Tips to Maximize the Parent Role in IEP Transition


Ultimately, the goal of an Individualized Education Program or IEP is to help students with cognitive or learning disabilities make a smooth transition from school to further education and employment. Much like disability care in Pennsylvania, this is achieved by creating a personalized plan to support each student’s needs while highlighting their strengths and future goals.

As parents, our goal involves providing support and guidance during the IEP transition. Likewise, here are a few tips that can help parents maximize their role during IEP transition planning:

  • Understand your child’s disability
    You may be familiar with your child’s disability, but are you familiar with how it specifically impacts his/her abilities when it comes to learning? The transition planning phase is a good time to better understand your child’s disability and how it may affect their pursuit of further education, employment, and even independent living.
  • Keep essential educational records
    Keeping records throughout your child’s education is an essential part of IEP transition planning. Copies of their old report cards, evaluation summary reports, and district-wide assessment scores are all essential to support their goals. Assessments provided by a mental health care provider may also help.
  • Build self-confidence and self-determination
    During the IEP process, not all students will feel comfortable voicing their goals or participating. As a parent, you can help your child find an effective way to express themselves. This builds their self-confidence and encourages your child to envision their future and take ownership of the transition planning process.

Diversified Supportive Services is one of the most trusted home healthcare agencies in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. We are dedicated to bridging the gap between educational resources and individuals with special needs. Reach out to us to learn more ways we can assist you.

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