The Pennsylvania Consolidated Waiver for individuals with mental retardation is designed to help persons with intellectual disabilities live more independently in their homes and communities and to provide a variety of services that promote community living, including self-directed service models and traditional, agency-based service models.

- Be age three and older
- Have a diagnosis of mental retardation
- Require active treatment
- Be recommended for an intermediate care facility level of care based on a medical evaluation
- Determined eligible for Medical Assistance (MA)
- $2,000 resource limit (does not apply to dependent children under age 21)
- Income limit 300% of the Federal Benefit Rate
- Assistive technology
- Behavior support
- Companion
- Education support
- Home accessibility adaptations
- Home and community habilitation (unlicensed)
- Homemaker/chore
- Licensed day habilitation
- Nursing
- Prevocational
- (Licensed) residential habilitation
- (Unlicensed) residential habilitation
- Respite
- Specialized supplies
- Supported employment
- Supports broker
- Supports coordination
- Therapy (physical, occupational, visual/mobility, behavioral and speech and language)
- Transitional work
- Transportation
- Vehicle accessibility adaptations
- Therapy (physical, occupational, visual/mobility, behavioral and speech and language)
- Transitional work
- Transportation
- Vehicle accessibility adaptations
The Pennsylvania Person/Family Directed Support Waiver is designed to help persons with developmental disabilities live more independently in their homes and communities and to provide a variety of services that promote community living, including self-directed service models and traditional, agency-based service models.
- Be age three and older
- Have a diagnosis of mental retardation
- Require active treatment
- Be recommended for an Intermediate Care Facility/Mental Retardation level of care based on a medical evaluation
- Determined eligible for Medical Assistance
- $2,000 resource limit (does not apply to dependent children under age 21)
- Income limit 300% of the Federal Benefit Rate
- Individual cost limit of $26,000 per person per fiscal year (excluding supports coordination)
- Does not require Office of Developmental Programs licensed community residential services
- Assistive technology
- Behavior support
- Companion
- Education support
- Home accessibility adaptations
- Home and community habilitation (unlicensed)
- Homemaker/chore
- Licensed day habilitation
- Nursing
- Prevocational
- Respite
- Specialized supplies
- Supported employment
- Supports broker
- Supports coordination
- Therapy (physical, occupational, visual/mobility, behavioral and speech and language)
- Transitional work
- Transportation
- Unlicensed residential habilitation
- Vehicle accessibility adaptations
In order to be eligible for the Adult Autism Waiver, a person must be age 21 or older, a U.S. citizen or qualified alien, a resident of Pennsylvania (or planning to be a resident at the time of enrollment) and meet certain diagnostic , financial and functional eligibility criteria listed below. Priority is given to people not already receiving ongoing state funded or state and federally funded, long-term care services.
Diagnostic Criteria:
- Must have a diagnosis of an autism spectrum disorder,ASD, which includes:
- Autistic Disorder
- Pervasive Development Disorder, Not Otherwise specified (PDD-NOS)
- Asperger Syndrome
- Childhood Disengretitive Disorder
- Retts Disorder
Financial Eligibility:
- Must meet the income and resource limits for Medical Assistance and Payment of Long Term Care Services
- The income limit is currently 300 percent of the Supplemental Security Income Federal Benefit Rate. More information on the Federal Benefit Rate can be found at
Functional Eligibility:
Must have substantial functional limitations that are likely to continue indefinitely in three or more of the major life activities listed below. These functional limitations, which must be evident before the person reaches the age of 22, include limitations in:
- Self-care
- Understanding and use of receptive and expressive language
- Learning
- Mobility
- Self-direction
- Capacity for independent living
- Assistive Technology
- Beahvioral Specialist Services
- Community Inclusion
- Community Transition Services
- Counseling
- Day Habilitation
- Environmental Modifications
- Family Counseling
- Family Training
- Job Assessment and Finding/Transitional Work Services
- Nutritional Consultation
- Occupational Therapy
- Residential Habilitation
- Respite
- Speech/Language Therapy
- Supported Employment
- Temporary Crisis
- There is no age limit for individuals with an intellectual disability or autism. Individuals with a developmental disability with a high probability of resulting in an intellectual disability or autism are eligible from age 0 through 8
- Level of Care
- Medical Evaluation
- Diagnosis of an intellectual disability, autism, or developmental disability
- Recommended for an intermediate care facility (ICF) level of care based on a medical evaluation
- Determined eligible for Medical Assistance (MA)
- Meet the financial requirements as determined by your local County Assistance Office
- Individual cost limit of $70,000 per person per fiscal year (Supports Coordination is excluded from this limit)
- Advanced Supported Employment
- Assistive Technology
- Behavioral Support
- Benefits Counseling
- Communication Specialist
- Community Participation Support
- Companion
- Consultative Nutritional Services
- Education Support
- Family/Caregiver Training and Support
- Home Accessibility Adaptations
- Homemaker/Chore
- Housing Transition and Tenancy Sustaining Services
- In-Home and Community Support
- Life Sharing (Needs Groups 1 and 2, or less than 30 hours per week)
- Music, Art, and Equine Assisted Therapy
- Participant-Directed Goods and Services
- Respite
- Shift Nursing
- Small Group Employment
- Specialized Supplies
- Supported Employment
- Supported Living (Needs Groups 1 and 2)
- Supports Broker
- Supports Coordination
- Therapy
- Physical
- Occupational
- Speech
- Language
- Orientation, Mobility and Vision
- Transportation
- Vehicle Accessibility Adaptations
To enroll in the AUTISM WAIVER call +1-866-539-7689
To enroll in the PFDS, CONSOLIDATED OR COMMUNITY LIVING WAIVER call 215-673-2778.